Otaku USA Magazine
Viz Offering Free Naruto Preview for Jump Readers

Viz Media is throwing a limited-time offer out there through the May issue of Shonen Jump. Readers of the monthly manga anthology can use a special invitational code to check out a 120-page preview of Naruto volume 45, and the offer is only available from now through May 5th. The chapters won’t be appearing in the magazine itself, and the volume doesn’t hit store shelves until July.

Though you do have to obtain the special password from the magazine in order to check out the preview, 120 pages is a pretty substantial glimpse into volume 45. Judging from how quickly these volumes typically fly by, it’s about as much as the rapscallions out there would get through while sitting on the floor of the manga section of Barnes & Noble (gotta watch my step in that aisle).

The chapters will be available via the Shonen Jump website.
