Otaku USA Magazine
Viz Kicks Off Sci-Fi Imprint Haikasoru

With the Shonen world already firmly in their grasp, Viz Media is moving on to more daunting pastures: the world of Japanese science-fiction novels. Beginning this summer, Viz is launching their Haikasoru imprint with a selection of contemporary sci-fi books from Japanese authors, a dedicated effort that marks a first for North American publishers. Haikasoru plans to publish twelve books a year, and editor Nick Mamatas had this to say about the project: “I’m thrilled to be a part of this new imprint … Haikasoru is making history with the future. Finally, SF is going global.”

The debut novels scheduled under the Haikasoru imprint are Issui Ogawa’s The Lord of the Sands of Time (pictured below), Hiroshi Sakurazaka’s All You Need is Kill, Otsuichi’s Zoo, and Housuke Nojiri’s Usurper of the Sun. With the exception of Usurper, which will retail for $15.99 in the US, each title has an MSRP of $13.99. The Lord of the Sands of Time and All You Need is Kill will be available in July.
