This April will see the debut of the Vampire Dormitory anime, based on the manga by Ema Toyama. Ahead of that, the official website revealed FANTASTICS as the opening theme song performers and shared a video to preview the song, “Sugar Blood Kiss.”
The Vampire Dormitory anime is being directed by Nobuyoshi Nagayama (Smile Down the Runway), with Touko Machida (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations) on scripts and Naomi Tsuruta adapting character designs for the Studio Blanc production. Check out the teaser visual below, followed by a celebratory illustration by original creator Ema Toyama.
Kodansha USA publishes the manga in English and sums up the story like so:
Mito has no family to rely on. She lives on the streets, disguised as a boy. Ruka is an otaku vampire interested only in 2D girls. After Ruka saves Mito from a perilous situation, he makes her an offer: “Become my subservient thrall and let me drink your blood whenever I wish! In return, you can live with me—in the boys’ dorm!” But to stay with him, Mito must hide the fact that she’s a girl. Every day is a new danger—to say nothing of that bloodthirsty vampire!
Crunchyroll recently announced plans to stream the series as it airs.