It’s been four years since the all-too-soon passing of one of anime’s great directors, Satoshi Kon, who died of pancreatic cancer at age 46. Kon, one of my favorite directors, left behind an incredibly impressive body of works, including Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers, Paprika and Paranoia Agent.
This week, Satoshi Kon’s style of editing is the subject of a video by Tony Zhou, an editor who often analyzes his favorite directors’ works in respectful, educational and downright insightful short films. This one is no exception, and it’s great to see an explanation of one reason Kon was so great. If you have any interest in filmmaking, this is seven minutes well spent.
One striking thing about Kon were the films he took inspiration from: not anime, but classic and modern films from Hollywood, Japan and elsewhere. He encouraged people working on his films to study the greats, and even gave them a list of films to see. Though he decided to work in animation, it’s clear Kon was simply a great director of movies.
Source: Crunchyroll