The next film from acclaimed director Naoko Yamada (A Silent Voice, Liz and the Blue Bird) is a short film titled Garden of Remembrance. Following its premiere at the Scotland Loves Anime event in October 2022, the 18-minute film is set to have a special screening at this year’s Annecy International Animation Film Festival, which will be held in the French town of Annecy from June 11-17.
Here’s how Annecy International Film Festival describes Garden of Remembrance:
The anemone flower that “I” liked. A precious flower that holds memories which tie “You” and “I” together. A story that represents “Me”, “You”, our “Childhood Friend” and our goodbyes.
The film—which is directed by Yamada at Science SARU—was originally previewed at last year’s Annecy fest in a showcase of works in progress. Other staff members include original character designer Etsuko Mizusawa (Hello, this is Terumi.) and singer-songwriter Lovely Summer-chan, who is responsible for composing the music.