In addition to the adaptation of Keiichi Arawi’s CITY manga, Kyoto Animation announced plans for a Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid anime film over the weekend. the movie is subtitled Samishi-gariya no Ryu (A Lonely Dragon Wants to Be Loved), and it’s set to release sometime in 2025.
While we wait for more details, Kyoto Animation shared a teaser trailer and visual.
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid Movie Teaser
Crunchyroll streams both seasons of the anime and the shorts, summing up the series like so:
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid Plot
Miss Kobayashi is your average office worker who lives a boring life, alone in her small apartment–until she saves the life of a female dragon in distress. The dragon, named Tohru, has the ability to magically transform into an adorable human girl (albeit with horns and a long tail!), who will do anything to pay off her debt of gratitude, whether Miss Kobayashi likes it or not. With a very persistent and amorous dragon as a roommate, nothing comes easy, and Miss Kobayashi’s normal life is about to go off the deep end!
Source: Crunchyroll News