The TV anime adaptation of Honobu Yonezawa’s Hyouka light novels first premiered back in 2012, and the 10th anniversary celebrations will continue in the new year with a special “film concert” performance in Saitama.
The concert will have voice actors and a theme song performer from the anime among the guests, and it’s all set to go down at the Japan Pavilion Hall A of the Tokorozawa Sakura Town venue in Saitama on January 29, 2023. There will be both a daytime performance (1:45pm local time) and an evening performance (5:30pm).
The Kamiyama High Ensemble will perform the concert, the full title of which is Hyouka TV Anime 10th Anniversary Film Concert ~Kamiyama High’s Small Recital~. Voice cast members Satomi Sato (Eru Chitanda) and Daisuke Sakaguchi (Satoshi Fukube) will be the featured guests along with opening theme song performer ChouCho.
Kyoto Animation produced the TV anime adaptation, which is currently available to stream on Crunchyroll.
After disenchanted student Hotaro Oreki joins his school’s Classic Lit Club, he meets Eru Chitanda, a kindhearted and inquisitive girl with boundless curiosity and a knack for getting him caught up in all sorts of trouble.
Via Crunchyroll News