Mobile Suit Gundam‘s adorable helper robot Haro is one of the most immediately recognizable aspects of the classic anime, which explains why it finds itself mixed up in so much merchandising. The latest is definitely new territory, even for Haro, as Sports brand Mikasa has turned this mechanical mascot into an actual volleyball.
The Haro volleyball takes Mikasa’s MVA200 model ball and gives it all the right colors and features to transform it into a very familiar face, even if that doesn’t exactly call for a ton of details. Haro Ball goes on sale in Japanese shops on August 9, followed by an online release on September 1, and catching one of your own will cost you ¥3,800 (about $36).
While you can totally play volleyball with Haro, it also comes with a stand for those who just want to put it on display.
Souce: Anime! Anime! via Crunchyroll