This Halloween weekend FUNimation premiered the first episodes of the English dub of Danganronpa: The Animation at conventions across the country. The anime is an adaptation of the 2010 Playstation Portable visual novel, following a class of fifteen students held captive in a high school by its demonic bear of a principal, Monokuma.
Since this is a FUNimation dub, there are plenty of the company’s staple voices representing. Greg Ayres’s voice is oddly fitting coming out of the students’ tiny, sadistic captor.
A nice touch in Danganronpa is hearing the extra step the dubbing team took in matching characters’ accents to their personalities. From Jamie Marchi’s valley girl speaking manners for fashion diva Junko Enoshima to Christopher Bevins’ laid back, surfer portrayal of fortune teller Yasuhiro Hagakure, the dub goes out of its way to use the voices for strong characterization. Since the Danganronpa characters have such strikingly distinct designs and personalities, it’s only natural that the voices rise to the occasion.
The English dub of Danganronpa is a decent job as far as FUNimation shows go. It’s an alright dub, but not so good that you’d be missing out terribly if you decided to watch it subbed.
Danganronpa: The Animation is available on Hulu and FUNimation’s website. The complete series will be available on DVD and Blu-Ray on November 10.