Hyakusho Kizoku (Peasant Noble), the upcoming anime series about the years real-life manga artist Hiromu Arakawa spent on a farm (yeah, seriously) hits screens July 7.
The series stars Mutsumi Tamura as Arakawa, the future author of manga like Silver Spoon and Fullmetal Alchemist, who looks like a cow for some reason? Can’t wait to check this show out.
It also stars:
Mariko Honda as Ishii-san
Shigeru Chiba as Oyaji-dono
Kujira as Okan
Hyakusho Kizoku is directed by Yutaro Sawada (Inui-san!) and animated over at Pie in the sky.
I had no idea Arakawa was from a farming family, but considering Silver Spoon, it makes sense! Looking forward to seeing her farm years play out in anime form.
Source: ANN