Otaku USA Magazine
Adorable New Pokémon Animated Short Debuts

pokémon animated short

A new Pokémon animatedshort is here thanks to the return of the POKÉTOON Project. This one continues the trend of minie-episodes featuring specific Pokémon from throughout the series, with the latest centering on Paldea Pokémon Wooper and Clodshire.

Pokémon Journeys and Penguin Highway production house Studio Colorido handled the animation for this one, which you can see in all its adorable glory below.

Pokémon Animated Short

The POKÉTOON animated shorts have run the gamut, from more expected cute fare like the above to out-of-left-field fun like 2020’s Mimikyu short from Dandelion Animation Studio.

Source: Pokémon Official YouTube Channel
