The anime world lost a prolific voice actress this month, with the family of Hikari Yoko officially confirming her passing. Yoko passed after being treated for an unknown illness on November 15, leaving behind a legacy that spans everything from Naruto and Sailor Moon Crystal to the new BURN THE WITCH anime.
Anime fans will know Hikari Yoko for roles like Samui in Naruto and Kaolinite in season three of Sailor Moon Crystal. She also provided narration for the new BURN THE WITCH anime, and has many credits in the world of Japanese dubs for the Harry Potter series, Star Trek: Discovery, and more.
Here’s the message from her Twitter account, as translated by Crunchyroll News:
“Dear all, this is Hikari Yono’s family. Yono passed away on 15 November 2020 after being treated for an illness. She loved her work as a voice actress and lived her life to the fullest. Hikari would like to thank everyone who supported her during her life. Hikari Yono’s voice will live on in her work. Please don’t forget her voice and her work.”
皆様へ よのひかりの家族です。よのは病気療養中でしたが、2020年11月15日に永眠致しました。声の仕事を愛し抜いた人生でした。生前よのを応援して下さったすべての皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。よのひかりの声は作品の中で生き続けます。どうか作品と共によのの声を忘れないでいてあげてください
— よのひかり (@PikaYono) November 20, 2020
Our thoughts go out to her family, friends, and colleagues during this time.
Via Crunchyroll