Love Me, Love Me Not is an upcoming anime film based on the shoujo romance manga by Io Sakisaka (Ao Haru Ride), and it was originally set to open in Japan on May 29. Obviously COVID-19 got in the way of those plans, but now the movie has a new September 18, 2020 date with theaters in Japan.
A new teaser is here to reflect the date change:
Here’s what manga author Io Sakisaka said about the announcement, via Crunchyroll:
“I am truly pleased to be able to announce a new release date to you like this. I think there are many people who are still confused by the strangeness that what they used to think of as everyday life is no longer so. That’s why the characters in this film, who feel inconvenienced by some kind of limitation but also have compassion for someone else and seek what they can do within that limitation, became something we want you to see. I hope this film will reach many people.”
A message from director Toshimasa Kuroyanagi:
“There is a light that we can grasp because we struggled through the chaos. In a situation where the staff members couldn’t meet each other properly, each of us did our best in our respective positions to the very end, and we were finally able to complete this film. Once again, I am filled with gratitude for the preciousness of my staff and the fact that we were able to show this film in theaters. I will be more than happy if everyone who has been looking forward to the release of this film will enjoy watching Yuna, Akari, and other characters on screen. “
Source: Official website via Crunchyroll