Gackt’s, uh, got some time on his hands.
That’s the impression I got when I read Gackt, the best-selling solo musician, actor and former vocalist for visual kei band Malice Mizer, would be launching a Youtube channel on which he plays old video games, every day, for a year.
The channel, which is called “Game Center” (but with a different spelling than is usual in Japanese, making for a pretty lame pun), features Gackt trying to make his way through games like Megaman 2 and Super Dodge Ball. Trying is definitely the operative word: the thing’s been running since June 30th, and he’s yet to clear the first stage in Megaman 2.
The whole thing is obviously inspired by GameCenter CX, a Japanese TV show which features comedian Shinya Arino trying to make his way through classic games, but with one episode every day for a year, we can’t fault Gackt’s ambition.
On the other hand, he’s just sitting around playing games. So maybe we can.
Source: Famitsu