What’s Akira creator and director Katsuhiro Otomo up to these days?
One rumor has it he’s at work on a live-action film version of his own classic manga from the 80s, Domu; in another, he’s working on a shonen manga set in the Meiji era.
But while the fate of those projects is unclear, we can you with 100% certainty that a new one-shot manga is on the way from Otomo this July.
The eight-page manga, entitled “Est-ce que les robots mechants vont aussi en enfer?” (that’s “Do bad robots go to hell too?” en anglais) will run in the July 2016 issue of Geijitsu Shincho magazine.
Back in 2012, Geijitsu Shincho ran another Otomo one-shot, entitled “DJ Teck’s Morning Attack,” which accompanied a large feature about the artist.
Alongside the announcement of “Robots” also came two (very similar) panels from the comic, which will be full color. The magazine will also include an interview with Otomo.
It’s only eight pages, but considering how much more manga Otomo has already written compared to most human beings, we’ll take it.
Source: nlab.itmedia.co.jp via Crunchyroll