For those who haven’t had a chance to check it out, Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki is a short-form anime that follows a Tokyo boy as a local girl shares the charms of Nagoya with him. The series is based on the four-panel comedy manga by Masaki Andō, and it’s officially getting a second season.
There currently aren’t too many details to go on, so we’ll have to wait to find out when it will air and which staff members will be behind the production. For now, you can watch season 1 on Crunchyroll, which describes it like so:
After growing up in Tokyo, high school student Jin Kaito moves to Nagoya where he meets Yatogame Monaka, a fellow student who puts her Nagoya dialect on full display. With her cat-like appearance and unvarnished Nagoya dialect, Yatogame won’t open up to him at all. This popular local comedy is increasing the status of Nagoya through observation of the adorable Yatogame-chan!
Sources: MoCa, Comic Natalie via Crunchyroll