Based on the manga by Makoto Hoshi, The tale of outcasts anime has Yasutaka Yamamoto (Noblesse) directing and Kenichi Yamashita (Holmes of Kyoto) providing series composition at Ashi Productions. Now we know to expect the series to debut sometime in January 2023, and a new key visual and cast additions have arrived along with the release window.
First up, the visual:
Cast additions for The tale of outcasts include:
Risa Imayanagi as Diana:
Junichi Suwabe as Naberius:
Ryotaro Okiayu as Grand Master:
Kentaro Kumagai as Takenami:
Yu Kobayashi as Astaroth:
Chitose Morinaga as Maury:
Karin Oda as Harriet:
Crunchyroll previously announced plans to stream the anime worldwide and provided the synopsis below.
The demon by her side is her salvation.
The girl by his side is his pastime.
Their encounter in the late nineteenth-century British Empire begins the tale of a search for someplace to belong.
To their fellow outcasts, this demon and girl whisper their tale in the dark of night.
Via Crunchyroll News