Kozue Amano’s manga Amanchu! follows Hikari Kohinata, a cheerful 15-year-old girl who lives near the ocean and loves scuba diving. She meets a teacher at her new high school who shares her passion, and the story centers on the regular lives of the diving club’s members. The next stop for Amano’s manga is an anime adaptation, which is officially set to debut as part of the summer 2016 season.
Amanchu! will feature Junichi Sato (Sailor Moon, Princess Tutu) as series director, with Kenichi Kasai (Bakuman., Nodame Cantabile) directing and Deko Akao (Arakawa Under the Bridge) writing scripts for the J.C. Staff production.
Manga author Amano previously created Aria, and Junichi Sato helmed the anime adaptation of that one. Amanchu! launched in 2008 after Aria‘s conclusion and currently has nine collected volumes.
A teaser for the anime:
Source: MoCa via Crunchyroll