Why raise a boring girlfriend when you could just buy one?
A 1:1 (i.e. life-size) figure of Megumi Kato from Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend is up for preorder from Aniplex, and let’s just say this particular boring girlfriend does not come cheap.
How much, exactly? ¥1,980,000, which at the current exchange rate comes out to a cool $17,000.
But hey, shipping is included.
The figure, which measures 165 cm, or a little over 5’2”, is limited to a total of ten units, and the lucky ten purchasers will be decided by raffle.
This life-size Megumi weighs in at 62 pounds and is made from fiber-reinforced plastic with a polyurethane coating.
Buy this figure, and you may be called many things, but “boring” probably won’t be one of them.

Source: Aniplex+