Otaku USA Magazine
Post-NYAF Double News Brief

That’s right, you get two for the price of one today, as a handful of us were a bit tied up at this year’s New York Anime Festival (and we’d like to thank everyone that stopped by the booth!). Even in the cavernous echo of the exhibition hall, one couldn’t help but hear the trickling of news from companies like Del Rey and FUNimation, and here’s the gist of a couple of the more prominent press releases issued during the convention.

On the FUNimation side of things, they announced the acquisition of the live-action Mushi-Shi film from legendary writer/director Katsuhiro Otomo of Akira and Steamboy fame. Based on Yuki Urushibara’s manga, Mushi-Shi (AKA Bugmaster) will be making its way to the US in 2009.

Del Rey was busy with announcements, as well, offering up the future in the form of a few new titles like Atsushi Suzumi’s Amefurashi and guides like the Tsubasa Character Guide 2. The most notable series on their lineup, however, may be Masayuki Ishikawa’s Moyasimon: Tales of Agriculture, which follows Tadayasu Souemon Sawaki, a student with the unique ability to see and communicate with cutely depicted bacteria and microorganisms. We’ll be waiting until Fall 2009 for that one, so jot it down somewhere for a future heads-up.
