The official portal site for the anime adaptation of NisiOisin’s Monogatari series recently hosted a mysterious countdown, and the end results are in. It turns out the site was counting down to a special Monogatari Fes ~ 10th Anniversary Story~ event, which will celebrate the series’ milestone at Makuhari Messe’s Event Hall in Chiba Prefecture on May 11, 2019.
The anime’s character songs will be performed and there will be public readings by the voice cast at the event. So far, confirmed guests include Hiroshi Kamiya (Koyomi Araragi), Chiwa Saito (Hitagi Senjougahara), Emiri Kato (Mayoi Hachikuji), Kana Hanazawa (Nadeko Sengoku), Yui Horie (Tsubasa Hanekawa), Eri Kitamura (Karen Araragi), Yuka Iguchi (Tsukihi Araragi), Saori Hayami (Yotsugi Ononoki), Kaori Mizuhashi (Oogi Oshino), and Marina Inoue (Sodachi Oikura).
キャラクターソングと朗読で彩る《一夜限り》の祭典『〈物語〉フェス ~10th Anniversary Story~』開催決定!日程:5/11(土)
— 西尾維新アニメプロジェクト (@nisioisin_anime) February 6, 2019
The countdown also confirmed a premiere schedule for the six-episode TV anime adaptation of Zoku Owarimonogatari. The series will debut on TOKYO MX, Gunma TV, Tochigi TV, and BS 11 in Japan on May 18, 2019.
Via Crunchyroll