The upcoming anime adaptation of mono, based on the manga by Laid-Back Camp author Afro, has a new character in the spotlight. The latest is Haruno Akiyama, who is voiced in the anime by Reina Ueda (Reze in Chainsaw Man – The Movie: Reze Arc) and stars in a new trailer and visual.
mono Haruno Trailer
The series is directed by Ryota Aikei, who may be best known as an assistant director on Jujutsu Kaisen. Scripts are being handled by Yoko Yonaiyama (A Sign of Affection), and animation is taking place at Soigne.
mono hit the pages of Manga Time Kirara Carat in March 2017, and is ongoing. Yen Press publishes the manga in English and describes the story like so:
mono Plot
The Photography Club is in danger of shutting down?! And the Cinema Club too?! Fret not, for they shall merge and become…Cinephoto Club! Now, club members Satsuki, An, and Sakurako are asked to be the main characters for manga artist Haruno’s latest work that’s centered around action cameras. The girls head out to capture the lovely sights of Japan, exploring gadgets around them, and of course, chomp on the local delicacies along the way!
Source: Official X (formerly Twitter)