Back in December, a general 2023 premiere date was announced for the Heat the Pig Liver anime, which adapts the light novel series written by Takuma Sakai and illustrated by Asagi Tosaka. While that date hasn’t been narrowed down any since, a new visual has arrived to put our cover swine and heroine Jess Yesma front and center.
The series also shared the first in a series of related facts, starting with the fact that pigs are “surprisingly fast.”
Heat the Pig Liver is an isekai in which you travel to another world if you lose consciousness while eating raw pig liver. The story is about an otaku who does just that and is reborn as a pig and then goes on adventures with a girl named Jess. The anime will star Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as the pig and Tomori Kusunoki as Jess, both of whom previously played the same roles in a promo video for the light novels.
Via Crunchyroll News