Otaku USA Magazine
Anime After Dark Fest Expands to Monterey

Anime After Dark may be launching in Boston on October 18th, but it isn’t stopping there this year. Rather, the festival continues its run on Thanksgiving weekend at Monterey, CA’s Golden State Theatre. These new dates, November 28-30 to be specific, will also feature the addition of the Hayao Miyazaki film Princess Mononoke.

And yes, in case you haven’t checked out the lineup of films playing, it does include Urotsukidoji. People still watch it! I’d join them, but I’m almost afraid it would magically make me 13 years old again. Overall, there are some really solid movies playing throughout all three days of the fest in both cities, so if you’re in either location, it would be worth your while to give the shindig a gander.

Get tickets for the Boston festival
Get tickets (and info) for the Monterey showings
