Otaku USA Magazine
Ado’s One Piece Film Red Theme Song Concert Performance Showcased


Ado got some major screen time as the singer behind One Piece Film Red‘s Uta, and the theme song from that film is on display in a new piece of live concert footage that went up on Ado’s official YouTube channel. The footage of Ado singing “New Genesis” will be included as part of her first live concert Blu-ray/DVD Campanella when it launches in Japan on June 21, 2023, and in the meantime you can see her silhouetted performance in the video below. 

Here’s the music video of “New Genesis” from last year:

One Piece Film Red synopsis:

Uta—the most beloved singer in the world whose voice has been described as “otherworldly”—is renowned for concealing her own identity when performing. Now, for the first time ever, she will reveal herself to the world at a live concert. 

With the Navy watching closely, the venue fills with Uta’s fans—including excited pirates and the Straw Hats led by Luffy, who simply came to enjoy her sonorous performance—all eagerly awaiting the voice that the whole world has been waiting for to resound. The story begins with the shocking revelation that she is the enigmatic Shanks’ daughter.

Via Crunchyroll News
