Today marks the Japanese theatrical premiere of MAKE A GIRL, the new film from director Gensho Yasuda. As it hits the screen, the official website has already confirmed a release window for his next theatrical project, which is set to premiere sometime in 2027.
The assassin character featured in the teaser image above has appeared in some of Yasuda’s shorts, including those below.
While we wait for more details, you can see the release day trailer for MAKE A GIRL below.
MAKE A GIRL has Gensho Yasuda writing, directing, storyboarding, and handling technical direction and CG direction at his Yasuda Gensho Studio by Xenotoon production house. Beyond all the work Yasuda is putting into his production, newly revealed staff members include sound director Yuichi Imaizumi, as well as Tsutomu Ueno on sound effects and Kenichiro Suehiro on music composition.
The film version originated with Gensho Yasuda’s 3D short “Make Love,” and follows high school boy Akira as he develops Number 0, an artificial girlfriend. The film was crowdfunded via Campfire in 2022 to the tune of 23,730,805 yen (about US$160,000).
Source: Anime News Network