Hitsuji Gondaira’s Mission: Yozakura Family put a cap on its multigenerational adventures in the most recent issue of Shonen Jump. With their greatest foe defeated and a whole life ahead of them, Mutsumi and Taiyo can concentrate on raising their family in peace. Right?…
With the series behind us and the anime adaptation due to return in 2026, we’re taking a look back at the spy family series. Where did it end? What was resolved? And what, in spite of everything, still hangs over us?
The Ending
Mission: Yozakura Family definitely went out on a high note. An epic final battle spanning its own arc included powered-up forms for all the Yozakura siblings. A major chapter in the spy lineage’s history was finally closed. And between a renewing of vows and a big announcement from Yozakura matriarch Mutsumi, it would seem that everything is settling down nicely.
Our many main characters have gone through a lot of character development, too. Leading man Taiyo Asano has gone from a shy teen to a badass action dad, awakening his own superpowers in the process. And while Kyoichiro is no less protective, he and his brother-in-law have reached at least some sort of understanding. And the family has grown significantly, with new allies alongside the Yozakuras.
While Mission: Yozakura Family wrapped up a lot of its loose ends, there are a couple of things we’re still wondering about. And they’re chiefly to do with the new generation of Yozakuras: Alpha and Hifumi. While it’s been said that later generations of the family would likely get less and less powerful, this pair is nothing to sneeze at. Alpha in particular has shown that he has some terrifying powers, temporarily aging up and becoming a very different person in the process.
Of course, not every thread has to be tucked in neatly at the end of a story. The best fiction leaves us wanting more, answering the questions it sets out to answer but not wearing out its welcome. In other words, a continuation such as series like Naruto and Shaman King have had would be doable. But there’s no indication that such a continuation is incoming, or indeed even necessary. Even so, one wonders… what could Alpha and Hifumi one day accomplish?
The Story Goes On
Even if we won’t be seeing more Mission: Yozakura Family, the finale gives a feeling of forward motion. Even if we don’t read it for ourselves, their missions continue. And they will certainly be as awesome and as silly as the ones we have seen. And at the center of it all are Taiyo and Mutsumi: two childhood friends brought together by a web of intrigue, now very in love.
If you’ve never read the manga and want to experience the whole story for yourself, check it out via the Viz website! Subscribers to Viz’s Shonen Jump app can read the whole series. Plus, keep up with current titles and peruse a massive library of classic manga. Maybe you’ll find a new series to follow in the meantime!