Based on the manga written by Hiroshi Noda and illustrated by Takahiro Wakamatsu, the No Longer Allowed in Another World anime is gearing up for its premiere this July. In the meantime, two more cast members have been announced for the dark comedy isekai, so let’s see the latest along with their respective characters and designs below.
Aoi Yuki (Madoka Kaname in Puella Magi Madoka Magica) voices Warderia:
Mai Nakahara (Lulune in ‘Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess) voices Isha:
The series will star Hiroshi Kamiya as Sensei, Rumi Okubo as Annette, Sayumi Suzushiro as Tama and Makoto Koichi as Nir. It’s directed by Shigeki Kawai (Uncle from Another World) with animation by Atelier Pontdarc.
Here’s how Seven Seas describes the manga:
A second life in another world with cute girls by your side and video gamey powers–sounds like a dream, right? Not so for a certain melancholy author, who would quite literally rather drop dead. Honestly, all the fantastical adventure is just getting in the way of his poetic dream of finding the perfect place to die. But no matter how much he risks his hide, everything seems to keep turning out okay. Will our terminally depressed hero find a new lease on life in this cheerfully bleak isekai comedy.
Via Crunchyroll News