Otaku USA Magazine
This Season’s New Anime Heroines Are (Literally) Out of This World

These anime heroines are more than meets the eye - in more ways than one!

This anime season is full of super-special, superhuman anime characters. From literal goddesses to magicians to reincarnated heroes, there’s no shortage of special abilities. And as the new season gets warmed up, we’ve already met some anime heroines who are out of this world in more ways than one!

An angel, an alien, and a fantasy world princess have all fallen into our lives this spring. Get to know them, and tune in to watch new episodes of their respective series every week!


Mira – Astro Note

Mira - Astro Note

There’s something a little weird about Mira, the star of this season’s Astro Note. She’s kind of a bad cook, but so are lots of other anime heroines. She has trouble with technology, but who doesn’t? She claims she’s never seen a movie… which is a little weird. But there’s a completely plausible explanation for two of these: she’s an alien from the planet Wid. In fact, she’s their princess, and she should be going home to rule over them.

Takumi, her admirer and Astro Lodge’s new resident/breakfast chef, has completely (and understandably) misheard, though. He thinks she’s a widow, rather than… well, a Wido. How will their relationship develop as the truth arises?


Sara da Odin – A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics

Sara - A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics

Anime heroines tend to end up with a lot of responsibility at an early age, and Sara da Odin is no exception. She’s the 13-year-old princess at the center of A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics. And she’s just escaped from her fantasy world into this world’s Gifu Prefecture. How will she fare? Pretty well so far.

After befriending private detective Sosuke and blowing up a jungle gym, she got right down to reading Case Closed. Now, she fancies herself a legendary detective… but it turns out Sosuke has a bit of that fire burning in him, too. Together, they actually make a pretty impressive duo!


Towa – Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included

Towa - Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included

Shintaro Tokumitsu is surrounded by all sorts of anime heroines in Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included. Notably, though, one of them is… well, an angel. Towa alights on Shintaro’s balcony one night, believing his apartment complex to be a mansion and his studio flat to be a vacant storage room. As it happens, she’s here to get to know humanity better. And she wants to make humans—and specifically Shintaro—happy.

This is, for the most part, a dream come true. But cohabitation at the most normal of times comes with its hangups. Add into the bargain that Towa wants to be with him all the time, and things get complicated. She’s also having a hard time remembering not to fly around where she can be seen. But the good outweighs the bad, right?

Meet more out-of-this-world anime heroines when Macross comes to Disney+!

Kara Dennison

Kara Dennison is a writer, editor, and presenter with bylines at Crunchyroll, Sci-Fi Magazine, Sartorial Geek, and many others. Beyond the world of anime, she's a writer for Doctor Who expanded universe series including Iris Wildthyme and the City of the Saved, as well as an editor for the critically-acclaimed Black Archive series.
