Over his decades making iconic anime films, Studio Ghibli director and frequent unretirer Hayao Miyazaki has inspired more than a few artists.
Some of those artists (over 130, in fact) will pay tribute to Miyazaki at an exhibition in Los Angeles August 17-19.
The exhibition, which will take place at the Building Bridges Art Exchange in Santa Monica, features “a diverse array of painting, embroidery, sculpture and limited edition prints” though which “each artist offers their unique perspective and interpretation of beloved characters and themes in Miyazaki’s films,” according to the official Facebook event listing.
The event is free, but organizers Spoke Art recommend guests RSVP on Eventbrite.
Below, a small sampling of the many pieces on display.
Joshua Budich
Kate Snow
Jason Edmiston
Alina Chau
Is this Miyazaki tribute something you’d like to see come to your city?
Source: io9