Otaku USA Magazine
4K Restoration of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence Set for June 23-26

ghost in the shell 2

A new trailer made its way online for GKIDS’ upcoming 4K restoration of Mamoru Oshii’s Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence anime film. Screenings are officially set to take place in North American theaters from June 23-26, and you can see a preview ahead of next month’s run in the video below.

Here’s how GKIDS describes Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, which is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its original 2004 premiere:

In the year 2032, the line between humans and machines has been blurred almost beyond distinction. A string of murders perpetrated by a prototype android model has drawn the attention of Public Security Section 9, a unit specializing in counter cyber-terrorism. With none of the victims’ families pressing charges, suspicions arise regarding the nature of the androids and their production company. In the course of the investigation, the almost entirely cyber-bodied agent Batou, and his still human partner Togusa embark on a journey through a technological dystopia, taking on ferocious Yakuza thugs, devious hackers, government bureaucrats, and corporate criminals to uncover the shocking truth behind the crime.

Source: GKIDS
