The anime adaptation of Sentenced to Be a Hero, the light novel series by Rocket Shokai, will hit screens this year, we learned today.
We also got a new piece of key art, and some new cast announcements.
Joining the cast are Yohei Amazaki, who will play Xylo Forbartz, and Mayu Iizuka, who will play Teoritta.
The series is being animated at Studio Kai. The original art is by Mephisto.
Sentenced to Be a Hero began its run online in 2020, and there are currently six volumes out in Japan. In English, it’s published by Yen Press, which describes it like this:
Heroism—a punishment for only the worst criminals. Those sentenced to the fate of a hero are forced to fight on the front lines against deadly centers of contagion that rot the land and turn its creatures into roving armies of violent beasts. And if a hero dies, their only reward is being brought back to life so they can continue the never-ending battle. But when Xylo Forbartz, a member of Penal Hero Unit 9004 and a convicted goddess killer, comes face-to-face with a new goddess, the pact they forge might just be enough to change the world…
Source: Natalie