Otaku USA Magazine
Ranking of Kings Manga is Back for 1st Time Since April 2023

ranking of kings

Back in April 2023, Sosuke Toka’s Ranking of Kings manga went on an indefinite hiatus. Now, after 21 months, the series is finally back with the 232nd chapter recently going live via Japanese manga service Manga Hack. Since the return on Tuesday, Toka has continued to post daily chapters.

The manga first kicked off via the user-submitted manga service and other places online in May 2017, with BookLive releasing it in English. To date, there are 18 compiled volumes available in Japan.

Crunchyroll streams the anime adaptation and describes it like so:

Ranking of Kings Plot

How prosperous your nation is, how many powerful warriors it boasts, and how heroic and strong its king is. These are the criteria that factor into the system known as the Ranking of Kings.

The main character, Bojji, was born the first prince of the kingdom ruled by King Bossu, who is ranked number seven.

But Bojji was born unable to hear and is so powerless that he can’t even swing a sword. In consequence, his own retainers and the public, look down upon him as completely unfit to be king.

It is then that Bojji finds his first friend, Kage, and Bojji’s life takes a dramatic turn…

Source: Anime News Network
