Okko’s Inn is an anime film from anime studio Madhouse and director Kitaro Kosaka, who previously worked as key animator on some of Studio Ghibli’s classic features. GKIDS is bringing the movie to cinemas across the United States, and screenings are now lined up for April 22 (dubbed) and April 23 (subtitled).
Those in attendance will also be treated to an introduction from the director.
The film “Okko’s Inn” follows Okko, who goes to live in the countryside with her grandmother, who runs a traditional Japanese inn built on top of an ancient spring said to have healing waters, after losing her parents in a car accident. While she goes about her chores and prepares to become the inn’s next caretaker, Okko discovers there are spirits who live there that only she can see – not scary ones, but welcoming ghosts who keep her company, play games and help her navigate her new environment.
The inn’s motto is that it welcomes all and will reject none, and this is soon put to the test as a string of new guests challenge Okko’s ability to be a gracious host. But ultimately Okko discovers that dedicating herself to others becomes the key to taking care of herself.