The recent GA FES 2025 event brought some new announcements with it, including an anime adaptation for Nazuna Miki and Kyo’s Noble Reincarnation: Born Blessed, So I’ll Obtain Ultimate Power series of fantasy light novels.
At the time of this writing the TV anime adaptation has only been announced as in production. Beyond that, there’s a teaser visual and a celebratory illustration by Kyo. You can check both out below.
Teaser visual:
Celebratory illustration:
The original Noble Reincarnation series first kicked off via Shosetsuka ni Naro in February 2019, with light novel publication following that September. There’s also a manga adaptation written by Miki and Kentaro Kurimoto, with illustrations by Hisui Hanashima.
Manga UP! publishes the manga in English and describes it like so:
Noble Reincarnation Plot
Noa, reincarnated as the ultimate noble, overflows with knowledge and cheat skills as he aims to win servants in this fantasy world!!
Source: Crunchyroll News