Based on the light novels written by Masayuki Abe and illustrated by Ryuta Fuse, the New Saga anime was previously announced for a July 2023 debut. “Various reasons” were cited for the delay, and now a new update is here to line the series up for July 2025.
Along with that, a new trailer is here with some cast additions:
New Saga Trailer
New cast members include:
Kaori Maeda as Mirena:
Hiroki Yasumoto as Zentos:
Riho Sugiyama as Miranda:
Rie Hikisaka as Gou:
Tetsu Inada as Gazas:
Naoki Mizusawa is directing, with Naoki Horiuchi as series director, Kenta Ihara as series composition writer and Shacho and Hironori “Guts” Anzawa as music composers for the Sotsu and Studio Clutch production.
Alpha Manga publishes Jun Miura’s manga adaptation in English and describes the story like so:
New Saga Plot
After a grueling battle, the magic knight Kyle finally defeats the demon lord… or so he believes. He wakes up to find himself in the land that had been destroyed in his past life. He is reunited with the precious person he thought he had lost forever. To stop the human world from being destroyed again, along with his friends, Kyle uses his memory from his previous life to once again save the world! A fantasy saga about a brave knight!
Source: Crunchyroll News