Kyochuu Rettou (The Island of Giant Insects) is an original animation DVD (OAD) based on writer Yasutaka Fujimi and illustrator REDICE’s survival horror manga of the same name. The story centers on a group of high schoolers who find themselves stranded on a deserted island after their ship crashes. To make matters worse, they happen to share their current digs with a swarm of massive carnivorous insects.
The latest update introduces the main cast, including M.A.O. as Mutsumi Oribe, Rika Tachibana as Chitose Naruse, Misato Fukuen as Ayumi Matsuoka, Momo Asakura as Mami Miura, and Chiaki Takahashi as Misuzu Jinno.
Takeo Takahashi directs the anime at Passione, and it’s due out in a special edition bundle of the manga in Japan on June 20.
Here’s a teaser promo from December:
Source: Anime! Anime!