A new teaser trailer recently went online for the My Friend’s Little Sister Has It in for Me! anime, which is based on the light novel series by Ghost Mikawa known in Japan as Tomodachi no Imoto ga Ore ni Dake Uzai, or ImoUza for short. According to the preview, the adaptation is now set to premiere in October 2025.
My Friend’s Little Sister Has It in for Me! Teaser
The anime has Kazuomi Koga (Rent-a-Girlfriend) directing, with Touko Machida (Lucky Star) on scripts and Katsuyuki Sato (My Stepmom’s Daughter is My Ex) on character designs for the BLADE production.
J-Novel Club publishes the original novels in English and describes the story:
My Friend’s Little Sister Has It in for Me! Plot
If a girl teases you, that means she likes you!
Unfortunately, Akiteru knows from experience that isn’t the case. Because every girl he interacts with shows him nothing but scorn, and he’s not scored a single date from it! Luckily, he’s more concerned with securing a spot for him and his game-development buddies at his uncle’s business. But when his uncle throws him a condition that involves playing the part of his daughter’s boyfriend, Akiteru has no choice but to take it.
What will his best friend’s sister Iroha, who bullies him relentlessly, think of the news?
Source: Comic Natalie