Otaku USA Magazine
Mineralogy Mania Manga Ruri no Hoseki Gets Anime Series

Mineralogy Mania Manga Ruri no Hoseki Gets Anime SeriesRuri no Hoseki (Ruri’s Jewels), a manga about a pair of mineral and jewel enthusiasts by Keiichiro Shibuya, is getting a TV anime adaptation.

The manga by Shibuya (who has a master’s degree in mineralogy) is about a high school student named Ruri who loves jewelry who visits a mountain to mine for crystals and meets Nagi, a graduate student in mineralogy, who leads her into the world of mineral collecting. It’s been running since 2019. The fifth volume ships in Japan this week.

More details about the anime will be unveiled at Aniplex Online Fest 2024, which takes place September 16.

Source: Comic Natalie

Matt Schley

Matt Schley (rhymes with "guy") lives in Tokyo, and has been OUSA's "man in Japan" since 2012. He's also written about anime and Japanese film for the Japan Times, Screen Daily and more.
