The slice-of-life fun of the GJ CLUB anime, based on the light novel series written by Shin Araki and illustrated by Aruya, officially turned 10 years old on January 9. To mark the momentous occasion, light novel imprint Gagaga Bunko shared a thank you video for fans and Junnosuke Ito, the anime’s producer, announced that an event is planned for spring 2023.
As for what that event entails, it’s anyone’s guess! While we wait for further details, you can join the celebration with the commemorative video below.
The GJ CLUB anime was produced at Doga Kobo, featuring direction by Yoshiyuki Fujiwara, and ran from January 9, 2013 to March 27, 2013, followed by an OVA in May 2014.
Crunchyroll currently streams the series if you’re feeling nostalgic. Here’s the official synopsis:
In a very old building within the grounds of a high school, there exists a club shrouded in obscurity. Kyoya Shinomiya is coerced into joining this club, known as GJ-bu (Good Job). Here he meets . . . Based on the popular Japanese light novel, this anime series depicts the nonchalant interactions of Kyoya and the unique female characters in scenes you are sure to enjoy.
Via Crunchyroll News