Maebashi Witches is an upcoming original anime from Sunrise and director Junichi Yamamoto (More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers), featuring series composition by Erika Yoshida (BOCCHI THE ROCK) and adapted character designs by Nozomi Tachibana (Kemono Jihen) based on the original designs of Yu Inami. It’s set to kick off this April, and a new trailer is here to have more fun with the local witches at its core.
Check it out along with a new key visual below.
Maebashi Witches Trailer
Key visual:
The cast of Maebashi Witches is comprised of mostly newcomers voicing the witches of Gunma Prefecture’s Maebashi City. Sakura Kasuga voices Yuina Akagi, Hinano Sakikawa voices Azu Niisato, Rena Motomura voices Kyoka Kitahara, Haruki Minami voices Choco Mitsumata and Honami Momose voices Mai Kamiizumi. Gintama‘s Gintoki VA Tomokazu Sugita joins them as Keroppe.
Source: Crunchyroll News