Otaku USA Magazine
Here’s Your Resident Evil 5 Collector’s Edition

As if waiting for Resident Evil 5‘s March release date didn’t cloud our minds enough, Capcom just gave us all something else to chew on in the meantime. What you see below is the lovely collector’s edition of the game, and it comes with quite a generous amount of booty.

Now, I’m not normally one to bite on all the exorbitant “limited this” and “collector’s that” stuff. It’s just not feasible considering that every game ever now hits the street alongside a special more expensive version. I will crack from time to time, though, and if any game is going to send me back to the dark side, it’s this one.

Click on it if you want to see a bigger, more succulent version. This can all be yours for the price of $89.99, so better start saving those credits.

Source [Kotaku]
