Otaku USA Magazine
Days with My Stepsister Anime Debuts on July 4

days with my stepsister

The media mix project known as Days with My Stepsister has locked in a date for its anime. After being penciled in for July 2024, the series is set to make its broadcast debut in Japan on July 4. The news comes along with a new trailer and info on the theme songs.

First up, the new Days with My Stepsister trailer:

The Days with My Stepsister opening theme will be fhana performing “Tenshi-tachi no Uta,” while the ending theme will be Kitri performing Suisou no Branco.”

Takehiro Ueno is directing, with Matsutaka Hirota on series composition, Manabu Nii on character designs and CITOCA on music for the Studio DEEN production.

The Days With My Stepsister plot revolves around Yuta Asamura, a high schooler who finds a beautiful younger stepsister, Saki Ayase, in his family after his parents get remarried. As the story progresses, the two have to learn how to become comfortable with one another.

The novels debuted in January 2021, and there’s also a manga adaptation featuring art by Yumika Kanade.

Via Crunchyroll News
