Otaku USA Magazine
Boomslank T-Shirts Express Anime Culture With Original Artwork

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The world of anime-based t-shirts and accessories is vast, but there aren’t quite as many solutions that deliver fresh and original artwork. That’s where Boomslank comes into play. Born out of a strong need to do what makes them happy, the minds behind Boomslank created an outlet for truly original art in anime culture, and you can see the results in an assortment of

Featuring art by P-shinobi, Boomslank’s graphic tee and poster designs cover a wide range of anime and game-inspired aesthetics.

(pictured below), for example, takes the schoolgirl battle to the streets in a showdown that’s equal parts martial arts anime and 2D fighting game. The killer

design, on the other hand, expresses the enormous scope and hot-blooded spirit of mecha.

So what does the word Boomslank mean? It’s completely made up. Despite the fact that there’s no real meaning behind the word, its complete originality effectively echoes the mission statement of Boomslank’s work.

No matter where your anime tastes land, Boomslank has something suited just for you. Head to their

to check out the rest of their designs, and update both your wardrobe and your wall in one fell swoop.

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