Reading positivity books can feel a bit weird. Being told everything’s all right when it isn’t, or you’ll be fine when you’re not sure you will, can actually make things worse. But there is a cure for modern toxic positivity, and his name is Koupen-chan.
Created by artist Rurutea, this fluffy baby emperor penguin will be getting his own short anime this spring. He’ll also be getting a book translated into English this May. And no matter what kind of day you’re having, the words of this sweet bird and his friends hit just right.
Meet the Characters
Koupen-chan debuted in 2017, drawn by artist Rurutea and shared on Instagram. The baby emperor penguin offers simple words of encouragement and support on Rurutea’s Instagram account, occasionally accompanied by other bird friends. The name is a play on words: “kotei pengin” means “affirmation penguin,” but “kotei” can also mean “emperor” (a reference to the breed). There are many different Koupen-chans in different colors, from pink and blue to matcha green and godly gold.
Other characters also make appearances, including two adult emperor penguins named Adelie and Adult Penguin-san. Polar Bear-san will occasionally arrive to lend a paw or offer transportation. And keep an eye out for Mr. Evil Enaga—while he’s also supportive, this adorable little bird has mischief on his mind!
The Affirmations
Rather than simply saying everything will get better or be fine, Koupen-chan takes a more specific and personal approach. After all, some days we’ll get out of bed on time, and some days we won’t. The collection of drawings accounts for multiple eventualities. Got up on time? Good for you! Slept in? Sometimes you need that and it’s okay. Rather than telling you what you should do, the character congratulate you for what you did do—whether that’s a measurable accomplishment like brushing your teeth or self-care like not going out when it’s too hot.
This approach makes it a refreshing change from other motivational gift books. Many of those tell readers how they should feel in certain situations, rather than accepting the ebb and flow of emotion and motivation. Rurutea’s cartoons feel like notes from a caring friend, encouraging you to do your best but also encouraging you to look after yourself when you’re not feeling up to snuff.
The Book
Koupen-chan & You, Tuttle Publishing’s collection of Rurutea’s artwork, is a great introduction to this little penguin’s world. The bulk of the book is made up of cartoons and single-panel notes of encouragement. Towards the end of the book, glossy pages sport more elaborate artwork, including depictions of spots all over Japan. All told, there are more than 300 full-color illustrations showing the depth and range of Rurutea’s talents.
There’s no gateway to understanding Koupen-chan, no homework you need to do before you can pick this book up. It’s just a sweet, pleasant collection of cheerful notes. Equal parts funny and caring, it’s a gentle way to push ourselves forward and forgive ourselves when we can’t. No matter what kind of day you’re having, Koupen-chan will be cheering you on. And that’s great.