Otaku USA Magazine
New Berserk Anime Project Announced

Berserk fans can look forward to another animated take on Guts and the rest of Kentaro Miura’s dark fantasy cast. The first 2016 issue of the manga’s home magazine Young Animal is announcing a new anime adaptation on Friday, with the first promo to be unveiled at NBC Universal’s winter Comiket booth December 29-31. 

According to Miura, the anime will go beyond previous anime adaptations, depicting protagonist Guts in his “Black Swordsman” appearance. 

In other Berserk news, the 1997 TV anime adaptation will be receiving a new Blu-ray boxset in Japan, with a different price and contents based on the 2012 HD remaster. As for the manga, it will be going on another hiatus, with the next chapter set to debut around summer 2016.

Via Anime News Network 
