An anime adaptation was previously revealed for Fehu Kazuno and Jun’s Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra series of fantasy light novels, and now we know to expect it sometime in 2025. Along with that confirmation comes a new visual and the main cast members.
Toshiki Kumagai (Hitoyoshi in You Are Ms. Servant) voices Takuto Ira and Tomori Kusunoki (Makima in Chainsaw Man) voices Sludge Ato. You can see them both in the new visual below while we wait for further details on the adaptation
Yen Press publishes Yasaiko Midorihana’s manga adaptation in English and sums up the story like so:
Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra Plot
Bedridden and abandoned, Takuto Ira spent his days in the hospital trying to beat the illness that was slowly killing him. His only solace lay in the nation management strategy game Eternal Nations, where he had built a reputation as the greatest player to ever live. After succumbing to his disease, Takuto awoke within the game next to Atou—the Hero unit for his favorite civilization, Mynoghra. Now they’ll set out to conquer the world together (again), one unit, settlement, and level at a time!
Source: Crunchyroll News