The anime adaptation of Nikumaru’s viral four-panel manga BADGIRL is on the way. The show will hit screens in July, we’ve learned.
We’ve also got the show’s main visual and some cast details. The show will star:
Azusa Tachibana as Yū Yutani
Niina Hanamiya as Atori Mizutori
Misato Matsuoka as Suzu Suzukaze
Miharu Hanai as Rura Ruriha
The BADGIRL anime has Jōji Furuta (Double Decker!) on board as director, with Shoji Yoneura (Glass Fleet) on series composition, Yuki Morimoto (Boarding School Juliet) on character designs and Arisa Okehazama (Jujutsu Kaisen) on music.
The original BADGIRL manga follows high school girl Yu, who tries to become a delinquent to get the attention of the chairman of the disciplinary committee. The series started as a guest spot in the pages of Manga Time Kirara Carat from February to April 2021 before becoming a full serialization in the May 2021 issue.
Source: Anime Anime