Anyone find themselves missing the animated version of Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo, based on the manga by Yoshio Sawai? The anime formerly aired on Cartoon Network in the US, and was licensed by the short-lived Illumitoon Entertainment in 2007. Now new licensor S’more Entertainment has a fresh DVD release of the show scheduled for March 27.
The set listed on Amazon appears to contain the first half of the series—episodes 1-38, priced at $49.99—with English dub and subtitle options.
Sawai’s manga was originally serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump, and the story follows the titular, hairy hero Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo in his fight against the Hair Hunt Troop. He uses his Hanage Shinken (“Fist of the Nose Hair”) techniques to take on Tsuru Tsurulina IV (Bald the 4th) and his Maruhage Empire, who rule the world in the year 3001.5.
Any fans of this goofy series looking forward to grabbing it on DVD?
Source [Anime Maki via Crunchyroll]