Otaku USA Magazine
My Wife Has No Emotion Theme Songs Revealed in Latest Trailer

my wife has no emotion

Last week we saw a lovely wedding illustration for the My Wife Has No Emotion anime, and now another update has arrived. This time it’s in the form of a new trailer, which shows off more of the adaptation while revealing both the opening and ending theme songs for the series.

VTuber Tokino Sora is on the opening song, “Okaerinasai,” while Miisha Shimizu is on the ending song, “Wave.” This marks the first time for both to have an anime feature their songs as themes.

The My Wife Has No Emotion anime will be directed by Fumihiro Yoshimura (Kumi to Tulip) at Tezuka Pro with scripts overseen by Mitsutaka Hirota (Edens Zero). It’ll star Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Takuma and Konomi Inagaki as Mina.

Sugiura’s manga, which debuted back in 2019, is about a robot housekeeper, her owner, and their relationship potentially growing to something more. Or, as Seven Seas describes it:

Takuma is a single guy who does nothing but go to work and come home. Too tired to do chores, he decides to get a robot to cook and keep house. “Mina-chan” is such a good housekeeper, Takuma jokes that she should become his wife. Mina takes Takuma’s joke seriously, and slowly the two start doing more things together, like having a picnic outside. As time goes by, Takuma starts to fall for Mina, but can a human and a robot ever have an equal, loving relationship?

Via Comic Natalie
